Thursday, April 12, 2007


I came across videopedia in my travels and have been thinking about it's relevance to Vocational Education and also the extent to which the content sharing model can be applied for instructional tasks if we are drawing from the broader general community rather than the Educational community. It shocks me a bit to find myself saying this but I have some reservations. For instance there is a video on here showing how to peel an egg in 5 seconds - you simply remove the top and bottom bits of shell then blow and the shell comes off instantly. Cool if it is your egg that you are shelling totally uncool if it is for a customer. No doubt this video was not posted with apprentice chefs in mind but I hope you get my drift here. By the way I have found that running a hard boiled egg under a cold water tap will achieve the same result but less dramatically. On the other hand the videos of street food in Bangkok have an authenticity ( Bangkok is noisy)that very few lesson plans could create. We cant keep ignoring this stuff because here again we have the worlds expertise coming to us from the bazaar and creating yet another small chink in the cathedral of knowledge mentality that so typifies centralised training organisations. Even if you had reservations about a particular video it's easy to make that a discussion point and use it's limitations to create a better session.


Ken Burgin said...

VideoJug has a much better range of 'how to' videos available - the food and beverage ones are excellent plus first aid etc


Anonymous said...

Hi Ken,
I have looked at the stuff you have recommended before on the THED google group and you are right some of it is great. I'm just trying to highlight new services.