Monday, April 02, 2007

Ninjam: a key milestone in music history

Ninjam is the best thing on the Internet, no question about that. It is also one of the most important things ever top appear on the Internet. Why? Because for the first time ever musicians have been able to collaborate worldwide to create music. The significance of that must not be underestimated. I'll say it again, for the first time musicians have been able to collaborate world wide in the creation of music! Some 2800 hours of sometimes fabulous sometimes chaotic jams have been recorded since it was released in 2005. It has created an incredibly loyal following of jammers who become very nervous when the servers are not working, and some amazing improvised music as well. It has had competition as well but no one seems to have been able to create the loyal band of die hards that Ninjam has built around it's loyal community. The creators of Ninjam also produce one of the best multi track sequencers as well called Reaper. The latest version of Reaper now has Ninjam included as a VST plugin. In terms of significance this is massive as well. Every user of Reaper can have the input of a potentially massive number of musos worldwide when they are creating their own tracks. This is important people! The jams are stored here Try searching for Funkify or ONJ for some great jams on here.

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