There is not a person alive who does not like something for nothing. Especially when it comes to software and the days of having to pay for your office suite seem to be coming to an end. At the very least there are now very usable, practical alternatives to computer users with an Internet connection. I have been using Openoffice or Sun office before it for at least ten years with few complaints except that sometimes the tables went a bit wonky when opened with the Microsoft product. The advantages of using openoffice include the ability to export your files to pdf ( improving printability - most important for online resources)and swf. I recently discovered that open office draw has the ability to open dxf (CAD)files as well and a recent project of mine " the open telecaster" ha ha - yes I am having a go at making my own guitar- has been drawn up using a free blueprint from the net brought up to life size proportions to test it's accuracy with draw and from which I created a template using masonite. Now that what I call cool--- free plan, free software, recycled timber,all hand tools, to build an item hopefully of enduring musical value. Anyway back to the point there are some excellent online office alternatives as well including:
gofficethinkfreewritelyzoho virtual officeLast time I looked I liked thinkfree the best of these.
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